How To Find Serial Keys To Any Software By Using A Simple Google Keyword

How many times you’ve installed a software product (For Eg: Windows 7 or XP, Nero etc.) that requires a serial key which you have to purchase ?
Now for those who don’t want to spend any money getting a legitimate serial key, there is a google keyword which can help you.
Now the big question :-

How Can Google Help Me



The Keyword is 94FBR 
94FBR was part of a Microsoft Office 2000 product key that was released on the internet that bypassed Microsoft’s activation system. Google can also show results based on the synonyms of the searched query.
But it works for other products also because Google considers 94FBR as product key or crack.

Steps To Follow :-

  • Go to GOOGLE
  • Then type Software Name 94FBR

**Replace ‘Software Name’ with the name of the product you want the key.

  •  Now just press Enter & the pages containing the crack or serial will appear.

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